Pokemon Legendary Clash Set A Thai Booster Box
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£0.00 GBP
£99.00 GBP
Legendary Clash was released on April 10, 2020 in Taiwan and Hong Kong, followed by a release in Thailand on May 24, 2020. It is an amalgamation of the final Japanese Sun & Moon Era expansions Miracle Twin and Alter Genesis, as well as the Sky Legend, Remix Bout, and Dream League subsets. It is split into two sets, Set A and Set B, each of which focuses on specific types. Set A focuses on Grass, Psychic, Darkness, Fairy, and Dragon-type Pokémon, while Set B focuses on Fire, Water, Lightning, Fighting, Metal, and Dragon-type Pokémon. Both sets also feature a number of TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX; Mewtwo & Mew-GX and Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX are featured on the booster pack art for Set A and Set B, respectively, and were specially illustrated by Mitsuhiro Arita. Each pack contains six cards.
THIS IS FOR ONE BOX OF Legendary Clash Set A Thai, 30 packs in a box